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The rise of nationalism in Europe Notes

The rise of nationalism in Europe Notes
Class 10 Social Science Chapter 1


Summary of the chapter The rise of nationalism in Europe

1- Nation (State):

A large number of people of mainly common descent, language, history, inhabiting a territory bounded by defined limits and forming a society under one government is called a nation.

2- Frederic Sorrieu and his visualization:

In 1848, Frederic Sorrieu, a French artist, prepared a series of four prints, visualizing his dream of a world made up of 'democratic and social republics', as he called them.

I. The first print shows the people of Europe and America marching in a long train, and offering homage to the Statue of Liberty as they pass by it. A female figure carries a torch of enlightenment in one hand and the Charter of the Rights of Man, in the other hand.

II. On the earth lies the shattered remains of the symbols of absolutist institutions.

III. In Sorrieu's Utopian vision, the people of the world are grouped as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costumes.

IV. Leading the procession are USA and Switzerland, followed by France and Germany. Following Germany are Austria, Kingdom of the two Sicilies, Lombardy, Poland, England, Ireland, Hungary and Russia.

V. From the heavens above, Christ, saints and angels gaze at the scene. The artist symbolizes fraternity among the nations of the world.

3- The French Revolution and the idea of Nation:

I. Growth of nationalism in France.

II. Introduction of various measures and practices created sense of collective identity among the people of France.

III. Change of monarchy and establishment of republic, creation of new assembly.

IV. Rise of Napoleon and his reforms. Revolutionaries help other people of Europe to become nation.

4- The making of Nationalism in Europe:

  • Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into Kingdom, duchies and cantones these divisions were having their autonomous rulers.
  • Uses of different languages.
  • Rise of middle class.
  • Industrialization in England, emergence of a working class and liberalism.
  • New conservation after 1815 and preservation of traditional institution.
  • After the defeat of Napoleon, the European government follows the spirit of conservatism. Conservative regimes were autocratic Revolutionaries at that time fought for liberty and freedom. Example, Mazzini's young Italy and Young Europe.

5- Unification of Italy:

Giuseppe Mazzini had played an important role in the unification of Italy. He formed a secret society called 'Young Italy' in Marseilles, to spread his goals. He believed Italy could not continue to be a patchwork of small states and had to be forged into a single unified republic. During 1830's, Mazzini sought to put together a coherent programme for a unitary Italian Republic. As uprisings in 1831 and 1848 had failed, the mantle now fell on Sardinia-Piedmont under its ruler Emmanuel II to unify Italy.

Under Chief Minister Cavour, Sardinia-Piedmont succeeded in destroying the Austrian forces in 1859. Even Garibaldi joined the fray. In 1860, they marched into South Italy and the kingdom of the two Sicilies and with the help of the local peasants, drove out the Spanish rulers. In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed as King of United Italy.

6- Unification of Germany:

In the 18th century, Germany was divided into a number of states. Some of these states ceased to exist during the Napoleonic wars. At the end of the war, there were still 39 independent states in Germany. Prussia was most powerful, dominated by big landlords known as Junkers.

  • Nationalist feelings were widespread among middle class Germans who had tried to unite the different regions of the German federation into a nation-state governed by an elected Parliament.
  • In May 1848, a large number of political associations came together to vote for an all-German National Assembly. Their representatives met at Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Assembly proposed the unification of Germany as a constitutional monarchy under the King of Prussia as emperor
  • The King of Prussia rejected the offer and the liberal initiative of nation building was repressed by the combined forces of the monarchy, the military and the 'Junkers'.
  • Then on, Prussia under its Chief Minister Otto Von Bismarck led the movement for unification of Germany. Bismarck carried out this process with the help of the Prussian army and the bureaucracy. He fought three wars over seven years with Denmark, Austria and France. Prussia was victorious in all these wars and the process of unification was completed as a result of Prussia's victory over France.

Consequently, on 18th January 1871, an assembly comprising of princes of German States, representatives of the army, important Prussian ministers and Bismarck gathered in the Palace of Versailles and proclaimed the Prussian King, Kaiser William, the new German Emperor.

7- Visualizing the Nation:

Marianne and Germania were both female allegories used by artists in the 19th century to represent the nation.

1. In France she was named Marianne, a popular Christian name, which underlined the idea of a people‟s nation. Her characteristics were drawn from those of liberty and republic—the red cap, the tri-colour, the cockade. Statues of Marianne were erected in public squares as a national symbol of unity. Marianne images were marked on coins and stamps.

2. Instead of just having the idea of father land, they wanted to implant a suitable image in the minds of the people. They invariably chose the mother figure symbolizing nations—Britannia, Germania and Marianne reminding us of our concept of Matribhumi.

3. Germania became the allegory of the German nation. Germania wears a crown of oak leaves as German oak stands for heroism. It was hung from the ceiling of St. Paul‟s Church, where Frankfurt Parliament was convened, to symbolize the liberal revolution.

8- Napoleonic Code:

1. The first major change was doing away with all privileges based on birth, establishing equality before law and securing the right to property.

2. Administrative divisions were simplified.

3. Feudal system was abolished and peasants were freed from serfdom and manorial dues (abuse of manorial lords).

4. In towns, guild restrictions were removed.

5. Transport and communication systems were improved.

6. Peasants, artisans, workers and new businessmen enjoyed a new found freedom.

7. Businessmen and small-scale producers of goods in particular began to realize that uniform laws, standardized weights and measures and a common national currency would facilitate the movement and exchange of goods and capital from one region to another.

9- Nationalism and Imperialism:

Last quarter of the 19th century nationalism became a narrow creed with limited ends, Intolerance Balkan became the sense of big power rivalry Nationalism, aligned with imperialism cause of World War I. Idea of a Nationalism was now same everywhere. But concept of National State was accepted universally.


1. Nationalism

A sense of belonging to one nation. Feeling or pride and patriotism towards the country one belongs.

2. Absolutist

Unrestricted, despotic and authoritarian often refers to a centralized repressive monarchical government.

3. Utopian

An ideal situation, a vision too good to be realised in practice.

4. Nation-state

A state having a common and contiguous boundary with inhabitants/people sharing common language, race and religion. Majority of its citizens develop a sense of common identity and share a common history ruled by a strong government.

5. Plebiscite

A direct vote by which the people of a region, themselves decide to accept or reject a proposal.

6. Sovereignty

Supreme power.

7. Monarchy

Form of government headed by a monarch or a hereditary or dynastic ruler.

8. The Estates General

Referred to the French parliament- an elected body which was renamed as the National Assembly after the Revolution of 1789.

9. Civil Code

A systematic set of laws for the citizens.

10. Habsburg Empire

The empire that ruled Austria-Hungary including the Alpine region of Tyrol, Austria, Sudetenland Bohemia. It also included Italian provinces of Lombardy and Venetia.


Question1. Which French artist prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world?

Answer: Frederic Sorrieu.

Question 2. What do you understand by 'absolutist' ?

Answer: Absolutist, literally a government or system of rule that has no restraints on the power exercised. In history, the term refers to a form of monarchical government that was centralised, militarised and repressive.

Question 3. What is a Utopian?

Answer: Utopian is a vision of society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist.

Question 4. What are advantages of a nation? Write one advantage.

Answer: The existence of nations is a guarantee of liberty, which would be lost if the world had only one law and only one master

Question 5. What is Plebiscite?

Answer: Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.

Question 6. What political and constitutional changes did take place in the wake of the French Revolution in 1789?

Answer: The French Revolution led to the transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of French citizens. The revolution proclaimed that it was the people who would henceforth constitute the nation and shape its destiny.

Question 7. State any one step that could create a sense of collective identity among the French people.

Answer: The ideas of the fatherland and the citizen emphasised the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution.

Question 8.Which clubs were set up after the French Revolution and by whom?

Answer: As the news of events in France reached the different cities of Europe, students and other members of educated middle classes began setting up Jacobin clubs.

Question 9.How the Napoleon code was implemented in the regions under French control?

Answer: In the Dutch Republic, in Switzerland, in Italy and Germany, Napoleon simplified administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.

Question 10.Why did the people in the conquered territories become hostile to Napoleon's rule?

Answer: The people became hostile due to increased taxation, censorship, forced conscription into the French armies required to conquer the rest of Europe. All these seemed to outweigh the advantages of the administrative changes.

Three Marks Questions

Question 1. Who was Frederic Sorrieu? Describe main features of the first print prepared by him in 1848?

Answer: Frederic Sorrieu was a French artist who prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world made up of “democratic and social republics” as he called them.

The main features of the first print of the series were as mentioned below:

1. It shows men and women of all ages of Europe and America offering homage to the statue of Liberty.

2. Liberty was personified as a female figure with the Torch of Enlightenment in one hand and the Charter of Rights of Man in the other.

3. In the foreground are the shattered remains of the symbols of absolutist institutions.

4. Procession is led by USA and Switzerland who were already nation states. Other people are following them.

5. From heavens above, Christ, saints and angels gaze upon the scene to symbolise fraternity among the nations of the world.

6. In Sorrieu‟s uptopian vision, the peoples of the world were grouped as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costume. Thus,many issues have been visualised by Sorrieu in his prints but it is vision that can be realised.

Question 2. Describe the political condition of Europe in the mid-eighteenth century?

Answer: The political condition of Europe in the mid-eighteenth century was as mentioned below :

(1) There were no nation states

(2) Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into kingdoms, duchies and cantons whose rulers had their autonomous territories.

(3) There were autocratic monarchies in Eastern and Central Europe.

Question 3. Describe how the events in France affected the different cities in Europe?

Answer: When the news of the events in France reached the different cities in Europe it had the effects as mentioned below:

1. Students and other members of educated middle classes began setting up Jacobin clubs.

2. Their activities and campaigns prepared the way for the French armies which moved into Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and much of Italy in the 1790s.

3. With the break of the revolutionary wars, the French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad.

Five Marks Questions

Question 1.Who was granted the right to vote in France during the period of revolution?

Answer: In France, the right to vote and election was granted only to property-owning men.

1. Men without property and all women were excluded from political rights.

2. During the period of Jacobins, all adult males were granted right to vote.

3. The Napoleonic Code again granted limited right to vote. Women were reduced to the status of a minor, subject to the authority of fathers and husbands.

4. Women and non-propertied men organised opposition movements demanding equal political rights during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Question2. “The decade of 1830 had brought great economic hardship in Europe.” Support that statement with arguments.

Answer: The 1830s were the years of great economic hardship in Europe due to the following reasons:

1. There was enormous increase in population all over Europe.

2. There were more seekers of jobs than employment.

3. People migrated from rural areas to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.

4. There was stiff competition between the products of small producers and products imported from England where goods were made by machines as industrialisation had already taken place there.

5. Peasants‟ condition was bad due to burden of feudal dues and obligations.

6. The prices of food had risen due to bad harvest. This had resulted in widespread pauperism in town and country.

Some more stuff coming soon.

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